Thursday, March 4, 2010

Education on the Internet 03-03-2010

The Phnom Penh Post
Wednesday, 03 March 2010 15:02 Sidaroth Kong

Learning 2.0
is the next generation of learning that involves the effective integration of communication technology in education to improve information sharing, knowledge exchange, social networking and strengthening communication skill.
The communication technology that supports Learning 2.0 is commonly called Web 2.0. With this technology, you can easily create and fully manage your own Web page on the Internet, create an information network, form a group, join existing social networking groups, link with your friends, share information and work collaboratively. Some of my suggestions for useful sites for Learning 2.0 are:
One of the largest social networking sites in the world, with more than 400 million active users. On Facebook, you can create a Web site for your personal use or for a learning group or an organisation. Its special feature is the availability of many applications that you can add to your Web site. It also allows you to connect easily with your friends, stay informed about what they are doing, and much more. LIFT also has a Facebook page, which you can easily view by searching for Lift Cambodia once you are a member of Facebook.
Twitter is an Internet SMS system that allows you to share and receive short messages, called tweets, of up to 140 characters each. You can follow your friends, groups and organisations who use Twitter. Twitter is a very useful information network and allows you to share what is happening within the network and with yourself. Delicious is an Internet bookmarking and favorites Web site. Saving a page that you like in your Internet browser is called a bookmark. With delicious, you can have your favorite sites stored online so that they can be accessed from wherever you are in the world, as long as you have an Internet connection. A simple and effective means of forming a group and to communicate electronically. You can start a group, invite members to join in or join the groups of your friends. Members can easily communicate to the group through their email addresses. If you already have a Gmail account, it is easy to join and since this is a fairly new feature for Google, there are many new members joining everyday.

Sidaroth Kong, 28, coordinates the Open Learning (E-Learning) Program at the Open Institute

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