Monday, April 20, 2009

Cambodian Central Bureaucratic Structure

Decree on Nomination of Cambodian Government's Members

While the big boss keeps quiet...

I'm bigger so I have a say...

Political turmoil in Thailand during the last 3 years has been screened worldwide, which get the attention from many parts of the world. It's ranged from bloodless coup d'état toppling the elected government to the Rohingya's scandal and street demonstrations by the yellow-shirts and red-shirts which turned to riots and led to the occupation of the Government House, the two international airports and the cancellation of the biggest Summit in Asia in Pattaya.

The state of emergency have been declared several times and even now it's still in force.

Why have the United States of America and its western countries which always claim that they're the most democratic and human rights protection countries in the world kept quiet about these incidents?

Perhaps, it's not strange for us that Thailand has been a long friend of the US and EU countries since the WWII. Eventhough there have been a lot of coup d'états in this Kingdom, which most of the times toppling the elected government, the US bloc just say nothing besides warning their citizens about traveling to the troubled areas/country.

Noticeably, the Rohingya who have fled from Myanmar to Thailand, that were treated discriminately by the Thai army, the US and its ally also avoid to criticise its long-time friend. They're sent a drift by the Thai forces. This is inhumane. It's against the international law, especially international humanitarian rule. Why did the US who claims King of Human Rights close their eyes?

Let imagine if these kinds of things happen in Cambodia or other countries which are not allies of the big boss US.

This is just an example of how in international arena, the politics will lead the law, even with the inhumane one.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Snow Trip

So cold nas...